Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tea Party Rally Goes Over Budget

Nebraska conservative leaders gathered in Omaha Saturday for a tea party rally. One of the keynote speakers was former State Treasurer Shane Osborn.

“This country has spent too much money for too long,” Osborn said.

After the speech, Osborn talked to the planner of the rally about some questions he had.

"These nuts look like they came from Whole Foods not Trader Joe's,'" said Osborn. "And this red table cloth better of been on clearance at Target or I will be mad.  What are these? Finger Sandwiches? I asked for Subway."

Seems the rally about not going into debt, might have gone over budget.

"What is this, bottled water?, " said Osborn "For something called Smart Water, you sure are dumb enough to not see that water fountain over there. I am so upset. We spent to much money on the rally. This means our children and grandchildren and our children's grandchildren are going to be paying for these gourmet cookies. No serious, why the hell should we pay for stuff. Let them when they are in their 20's. We are the Tea Party!"

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