Friday, July 5, 2013

Man Harassing White Tiger At The Omaha Zoo.

A man that goes by the name Chinpipe, uploaded a video of himself harassing a white tiger at the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo. The video starts with the words "North Omaha Shit False Teeth aka Big Chin Teasing a White Tiger Dn't Try This!!!"  So right away you know it is a classy video.  Then set to some tough street Enya Song, Mr. Chinpipe starts making fart noises and tries to tease the Tiger with his hand. His buddies look on while he is doing this. Then in his Coolio dreadlocks, he touches the Tiger and waves his hands like he don't care. By the way Mr Chinpipe, there is a letter o in the word don't. When ask why he was harassing the white tiger, he said, "Awww, man I am from the streets. Besides, I can't harass white people the police would be all over that shit. Have to harass white tiger instead. Off to the polar bears now. PEACE.

Here is the link to the video.

If you know  Mr. Chinpipe or his buddies in this video than contact the Nebraska Humane Society (402-444-7800) or the Omaha Zoo (402-733-8401).

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